The role of PR is constantly evolving as its lines are often blurred with marketing and advertising. At the end of the day, each of these disciplines works towards the common goal of getting customers to part with their cash by creating a unique name and image in their mind – the very definition of ‘branding’.
More than that, branding triggers the memories of every touchpoint that customers have had with your company; everything that they have seen or heard, from content in the news or on social media to your company values and culture. They all impact on your brand image.
Is this different in the B2B space? Yes, it is for the simple reason that B2B requirements differ. The relationship between vendor and customer in B2B deals is often a partnership as opposed to a simple, one-time transaction. This heightens the importance of communicating that your business understands its customers’ pain points.
Buyers in the B2B environment are often required to make more strategic, long-term decisions on behalf of their organisation. It is therefore vital that sellers deliver strong and consistent messaging across platforms that will be seen by the buyer.
That is where PR comes in.
We are living in a time of media abundance. It is nigh on impossible to leave the house without hearing about the latest breaking news or being exposed to the latest advert promoting the latest gadget that you really don’t need (but will probably end up buying anyway). It has become increasingly difficult for brands to get their voices heard above the noise.
To change the outcome, you must change the approach. It’s time to get creative!
What differentiates you from your competitors? Not sure? Don’t worry, we can help with that 😉.
A unique piece of industry research that pinpoints the pain points of a specific group of people can feed a wide range of PR and marketing materials, from articles and blogs to infographics and social media posts, each positioning your brand as the industry leader.
Alternatively, industry expertise can be utilised to present your business as the go-to-place for support in the industry.
Whatever your differentiator is, you should use it to tell the story of your business and how not working with it is the business equivalent of losing a limb (or something a little less scary!).
Attracting and obtaining loyal customers is about finding people who share a fundamental belief, so find out what that fundamental belief is and shout it from the rooftops.

Marketing expert, Simon Sinek famously stated that ‘people don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it. And what you do simply proves what you believe’. Your buyers aren’t interested in your product specs, they want to know how and why your product will change their lives for the better. Whatever that is for your business, find it and use it to feed your communications activity.
And don’t forget, if you need help drop us an email or give us a call by visiting our contact page.