By Hannah Buckley, Head of Content

The awards calendar forms part of many a PR & marketing plan, regardless of the industry you’re in. Taking home an award (even in some instances being shortlisted among high profile brands) is a great way to showcase your talent and expertise in your industry, demonstrate credibility and strengthen your reputation in the market.


Writing A Winning Award Entry


What do you need to consider when writing a winning award entry?

The criteria for different awards is obviously… well, different. But there are 5 key areas you should always consider. I’ve sketched them out below:


#1 Always read the rules and entry requirements

It sounds quite obvious but a lot of valuable information can be missed if you skip over this stage and go straight to drafting. It’s kind of like ignoring the instructions on an IKEA bookshelf – you know what it’s supposed to look like at the end but could be missing out on the finer points of fitting that wood screw or using a wall stud.

Word count, specific questions that need answering, facts that need to be included, and of course the deadline – are all vital to writing a winning award entry.


#2 Ensure you’ve got the relevant content

This follows naturally from understanding the requirements. You’ve got a lot to say, many highlights and great achievements, but which category is the best fit? Do you have all the information that’s required? Do you need to chat with sales about a deal they secured? Do you need information from HR about company culture? Get all your content together, have another look at your requirements and then identify any gaps.


#3 Show results

It’s one thing to talk about your successes; it’s another to use tangible facts and figures to show that. Judges love seeing measurable results that will give your entry context. Remember that the judges won’t necessarily be as familiar with your industry as you are, so showing a clear picture of your success will help you stand out.

Don’t be afraid to add customer testimonials or any stats around customer satisfaction – this will also help build the bigger picture.


#4 Make it visual

Words are powerful. But having strong images to support them is even better. Whether that’s showing your latest product in action (if it’s a product category) or having a creatively designed infographic to show your company stats, great images always elevate your entry and make it more appealing to the judges.


#5 Make sure it’s professionally written

Here at Whiteoaks, this is what we do, so of course we’ve got a vested interest in this step! But in a nutshell, never hand this off to a junior, do it at the last minute, or use the exact same copy as last year. A winning award entry tells a clear and engaging story, using concise language. It needs to balance those elements with answering the requirements AND within a specific word count. Leaving this in the hands of professionals also means it will be accurate, properly proofed, and reflect the style and tone of your organisational messaging.

At Whiteoaks, in the last year alone, our Content Team has drafted 10 winning award entries for our clients. Get in touch if you’re keen to chat about how we can help you draft your next winning entry.

By Kate Hellig, Account Executive

At the risk of repeating a cliche we have all heard time and again over the past couple of years, I will keep it brief: the pandemic changed everything: the way we work, our practices, expectations and norms.

In the public relations industry, this was no exception specifically upon considering how dependent our sector is on media attention which saw much of it consumed by Covid doom and gloom content. Added to this, the pandemic made it near to impossible to meet up with journalists face-to-face and this drastic reduction in the amount of real facetime led to previous contacts being lost and fewer new ones being made.

It’s been a long two or so years but (hopefully) the light we are now starting to see at the end of the tunnel is here to stay. As we begin to move out of the pandemic, we are beginning to see more opportunities arise for face-to-face meetings with journalists (arguably the most fun part of a PRs job!)

Informal or professional conversations?

I (along with some of my fellow media team colleagues) recently met up with Scott Bechino (Editorial Director of and a couple of his friends for an informal meetup and get to know you session at a pub in the Big Smoke. We drank pints and chatted about bands, festivals, movies and similar light and breezy topics.

We came away from the evening with insight into Scott-the-person as opposed to Scott-the-journalist and, at the very least, become faces (and personalities) to some of those names he will see in his inbox and, while this may not guarantee a secured media opportunity, it should ensure at least an email read.

While some journalists certainly prefer more informal, personal meetups, others do like to keep it purely professional. In this case, come armed ready to discuss the media hot topics and landscape along with a few pitches on initial client story ideas (obviously ensuring you have done your research well to make sure you are pitching relevant insightful ideas). Such face-to-face meetings will help you establish a reputation with the journalist as a reliable source of quality information, which will definitely help you out in the future.

Either way, meetings are memorable: when physically getting together with journalists they will be more likely to remember you and, if they are working on a relevant feature, they will certainly be more responsive to your emails as you are now not just a name without a face.

It doesn’t stop there

As the first meeting may not be (and doesn’t necessarily have to be) always transactional, don’t expect something to happen for you right away. But do actively take the time each week to build on the relationship from here: continue to send relevant information and pitches that they want (that they really, really), read their content and engage with them over social media, making sure to maintain regular contact.

While such meetings may at first be a bit daunting what’s the worst that could happen? Sure, you may stumble over a few words or take a bit longer to get to the point the first couple of times but, as they say, practice makes perfect and before you know it, this will become second nature.

At the end of the day, PRs face time with journalists is one of those back-to-basics tactics that produces great results for clients. Creating and maintaining trusting relationships built on face-to-face interactions is invaluable. While be it five months or five years into your PR career, media relations will always be the bread and butter of your job.

By Annabelle Tooby, Account Executive

Exciting, nail-biting and rewarding: three words that accurately summarise the planning and execution that went into my first-ever media event. A happy client is a happy PR and here is how it went…

With F2F events obsolete, postponed or cancelled for the best part of two years, it’s safe to say I was a little nervous to be fully responsible for securing media and analyst attendees on behalf of my client. Good nervous though, like an excitable flutter before jumping to do a skydive (I’m an adrenaline junkie so this was the best simile I could think of, perhaps it’s also like how a bride feels before she steps foot down the aisle for those less driven to the extremes).

I’ve always loved a good event. Be it a family gathering, music festival or of course work-related. So, as a budding PR media specialist, the prospect of managing the media attendees for my first client event was definitely something I was eager and excited to get cracking on.

So first up, what is my plan of action? Well, it all starts with probing the client for the interesting and ultimately headline-grabbing information that will be key in the initial outreach stages.

But for me, one of the biggest lessons I learned is the subject line is paramount. The first and one of the most important decisions is crafting a catchy, snappy and straight-to-the-point subject line to capture a journalist’s attention.

In today’s digitally-driven age – as most people are familiar with none more so than a modern journalist – inboxes are grossly overcrowded with hundreds and thousands of emails daily. To cut through the noise and make your event pitch stand out among a sea of other keen PR pitches, the subject line is key.

Navigating the post-covid variables of event planning was also a bit of a challenge, but ultimately a productive learning curve for me.  In the past, the offer of free food and exclusive content would have made any journalist jump at the offer. But, with so many dispersed far and countrywide nowadays, the premise of taking a morning off work to come to London isn’t such an easy sell – even if the client and the event is bang on their beat.

While I got off to a promising start, with a few weeks to go and only half the target met, it was time for a change of tack. The pressure of the task was mounting and the fear of being ignored or turned down was starting to set in. With a refreshed pitch and a more punchy subject line, away I went again. Persistence is indeed key. I had secured the journalist my client was most keen to attend and hit the target a week before the event took place.

A 5 am start and coffee in hand I headed off to London and all the planning, preparations and pitching were soon about to materialise in a real-life media event – or that was indeed the hope! I bustled into a crowded train carriage and sent a friendly text to all the media and analysts to make sure they could reach me should any issues arise.

All that was left to do was wait for them to arrive and one by one, I greeted them in reception. I was particularly grateful I had prepared and printed off a checklist complete with headshots as this made sure I was able to recognise and greet the media by name.

So all in all, I am glad to say that not only was the first media event project a success for my client, but it also sparked a keen interest and appetite to organise and host more events in the near future.

By Kate Hellig, Account Executive

April Fools’ Day consists of practical jokes and hoaxes and, for most, is a bright spot in bleak times. Though, with a global focus on Ukraine and other conflicts, the yet again rising Covid numbers, the escalating cost of living and the ever-increasing amount of disinformation across news channels and social media, gauging the tone of a decent April Fools’ joke has become a lot harder for companies.

However, that being said, if we only look back to a week ago, 2022 saw no shortage of April Fools’ campaigns across a variety of brands.


What do brands hope to achieve?

Brands see April Fools’ Day as a way to help their brand appear more light-hearted, humorous and appealing. (However, there is a fine line.)

For 364 days a year (365 days every four years) brands work hard to create content to build and strengthen trust with their audiences. Yet, on this single day of the year, brands willingly suspend their trust-building efforts and throw caution to the wind by publishing content intentionally meant to fool (or even worse, make fools of) their audiences. (Sounds crazy!) And a lot of the time, it is.

When it fails

Sometimes there is absolutely nothing funny about April Fool’s pranks, especially those by companies that are taken seriously. It can even create a crisis. Remember Volkswagen’s 2021 April Fools’ campaign?

Three days before April Fools’ Day, Volkswagen (VW) announced it would rebrand itself as Voltswagen to help call attention to its growing line of electric vehicles. The timing immediately caused confusion, the announcementwas questioned, and, because VW refused to deny it as fiction, outlets ran it as ‘fact.’

The result? When VW came clean, media organisations across the globe, from the BBC to Reuters, were incensed, customer trust was lost, and VW’s reputation was damaged. What a disaster.

When it flies

On the flip side, well thought-out, appropriate light-hearted pranks are all in good fun and can absolutely achieve the objective of a successful April Fools’ spoof, skyrocket engagement and broaden audience reach as seen with Aldi’s 2022 April Fools’ campaign.

The supermarket announced its desire to launch a budget airline, AldiAir, which would take on Ryanair and easyJet (easily!) with a Twitter user even responding: “You’d do a better job”. The store even revealed a logo containing the slogan ‘Specialflys since 2022’, which is a play on its famous Specialbuys aisle.

The slogan was clever, the prank resonated well with Aldi’s audience, was share-worthy and achieved (humorous) customer engagement and banter.

Key takeways

A successful corporate April Fools’ joke is all about timing and specificity while carefully connecting with audiences on a less corporate level. Being playful on April Fool’s Day could be a rare opportunity to show audiences a lighter side, making brands appear more relatable.

However, organisations must ensure that the joke is related to their brand and not a joke about their brand while maintaining consistent brand tone: the bottom line is, if said brand content has never used humour or the element of surprise then don’t do it on this day.

Instead take a backseat and let other brands do the fooling. Don’t become the fool.

By Sophie Sadler, Account Director

 Attending in-person client events and trade shows used to be the bread and butter of a PR’s role. Whether it was the exCel or the Birmingham NEC, or if you were lucky, somewhere slightly more exotic, they were a regular fixture on the calendar, providing an opportunity for proper catch ups with clients, peers and press. After two years of little to no exposure at these kinds of in-person events, I’ve missed the buzz. So, I was delighted to join our client, InterSystems, at Finovate Europe this week.

With a packed agenda of speaking slots, the two-day event flew by. But with the pandemic’s presence still being acutely felt, it’s clear that in this new era of in-person shows and events, a brand’s digital presence must never be far from mind to ensure maximum exposure to interested audiences. At the heart of this is creative PR through B2B content creation on the fly, which can range from slick video assets right down to timely and engaging snippets for social.

If you have an event coming up soon and you’re wondering where to start, I’ve highlighted three key areas below:

1. Tap into key themes and take conversations online

Perhaps it’s a snippet from a chat with a spokesperson on stand, or an emerging trend highlighted in a speaking session. If you find it interesting, there’s a good chance your audience will too. The key is not to spam audiences on social, but to share easily digestible snippets, always being sure to leverage the event’s social presence or hashtags. On Twitter, a higher volume of posts is acceptable, but on LinkedIn, avoid over sharing from a brand account. Also consider the best way to capture attention and vary your delivery – photos and post copy are great, but a short video with a key spokesperson summing up the day’s highlights adds personality and increases a post’s ’thumb-stopping power’ in the feed. Which leads me on to…

2. Don’t be afraid of hitting record

It can be easy to shy away from filming your own video content on the fly at events worrying about the quality of the output, but a decent short video for social doesn’t always require professional equipment to pull off. There are some simple things you can do to improve the final outcome: if filming on a phone, shoot horizontally and test the level of background noise being picked up. It might be that the bustling exhibition hall drowns out your spokesperson’s insight, so finding a quieter location with an attractive backdrop might be a better option. If it’s outside, weather conditions such as wind might be against you – but at a pinch, a lightly scrunched tissue held gently against your phone’s microphone with help to dampen noise interference. Lastly, keep it short and sweet – under 30 seconds is ideal.

3. Leverage the power of employee advocacy 

A final important point to remember when sharing event content online is to not focus all your efforts just on your brand’s main corporate accounts. It’s likely you have sales managers or other key brand spokespeople with you at the event, and while they’re (hopefully!) busy chatting to customers and prospects, consider how you can package up snippets of content for them to drip feed to their networks from their personal channels before, during and after the show. This is a great tool for building thought leadership presence, and demonstrates the strength and the expertise of your team to a broader audience.

And that’s it! Three simple ideas for how you can maximise your brand’s exposure to digital audiences during in-person events. And of course, if it feels like you might need an extra pair of safe hands at your next show or event to help facilitate this, you know where we are…



By Ella Ford, Content Creator

Nobody enjoys delivering bad news. But there are better ways to do the deed than through an en masse thwacking via video call.

P&O Ferries is under sustained fire for sacking 800 employees without warning or consultation. Through a scripted and cold pre-recorded video call, crew across the entire UK fleet discovered last Thursday that it was their “final day of employment”. And despite references to a generous severance package being offered, full details have still not been given to newly redundant staff.

People have been quick to criticise – and with good reason. But while we all like to think our own business won’t land in a similar crisis, can we honestly say that our communication has always gone without a hitch, even when times are good? It is vital that workplaces establish a ‘norm’ for effective communication. Not only does it power productivity and build trust, but it also puts businesses and employees on the front foot when difficult conversations do take place.

Here are five evergreen tips for effective communication in the workplace:


1. Communicate with purpose

In today’s hybrid workplace, internal communications go far beyond the morning huddle and company-wide email. While you blend and switch between face-to-face and online communication, always be clear and precise. Think about to whom you are speaking, what you are going to say, and the core message you wish to express.

Also remember that less is more – especially now that the average professional receives over 120 emails per day! Do you have the proper digital tools to help cut through the noise?

 2. Dialogue, not monologue

Good communication is not just about getting your own point across. It really is a two-way street, built on shared dialogue and mutual understanding. And the most productive conversations happen when everybody is empowered to both speak well and listen well.

Take the time to demonstrate that you’re actively listening, even when it’s through a screen. It’s an underrated skill, but when done correctly, active listening is a superpower. Not only does it help you digest more information, faster, but it also gives you the tools to build trust by making others feel understood and validated.

 3. Keep it transparent

Open and honest communication is vital to any healthy relationship. No matter how challenging or uncomfortable it may be, make sure you’re consistently interacting with high levels of integrity. By normalising transparent communication, you are creating a culture of mutual trust and straightforward feedback in daily working life.

If there are possible changes on the horizon (good or bad), transparency is a powerful unifier. Forewarn people when bad news is on the table. Share what you know, when you know it – even when you don’t have all the answers.

 4. Own your mistakes

Even the best communicators get it wrong sometimes. Whether it’s a casual oversight or a mistake that directly impacts others, it is always important to be honest and willing to own the mistake. Showing vulnerability is not a weakness but a core strength; it proves that you can put aside personal pride for the good of the team. Being able to admit when you are wrong is a trait that garners respect and sets a great example for others to follow.

 5. Be empathetic

Remember, there is at least one person behind every email. Think about your audience and show understanding, concern, and care through your language. If you are breaking news, imagine how you would feel receiving it and what your own response would be. In face-to-face and virtual meetings, it may be easier to determine the tone of what is being said, but responses are often more instant and emotional. This is where active listening comes in. Accept and allow different perspectives and emotions from people and show that you genuinely care. A little empathy goes a long way, no matter how difficult the conversation.

If businesses treat their employees well and follow these communication essentials when things are running smoothly, they stand the best chance of riding out any potential storms before they evolve into a full-blown PR crisis.


By Emily Fishburn, Senior Account Manager

The enterprise technology space is a highly competitive and crowded one. As with similar marketplaces, the most successful brands are those that not only deliver a good product or service, but stand head and shoulders above competitors.

Easier said than done. But it can be done.

Increasingly, PR is being used as one of those tools to help brands in the IT space distinguish themselves from their competitors. Just how can B2B tech PR help? If you’re in this space, we’ve compiled a list:

Thought leadership

The media is saturated with articles on popular topics like SaaS, big data or cloud, which means it’s harder to have your voice heard. B2B PR (and working with the right PR team) can help strengthen your voice by refining your messaging and making sure your subject matter experts come across in the best possible way.

It’s not about shouting louder than your competitors, it’s about saying something of value; something that will resonate with your prospects and answer a question, pose a solution or open their eyes to something new.

Here, having a definite opinion – and not being afraid to voice it – is also one of the ways to get yourself heard through thought leadership. You’re the expert in your field, so don’t be afraid to be outspoken, or even controversial if you have the facts or experience behind you.

Proactive commentary

In the same vein, having a strong opinion or something fresh to say on breaking news stories or emerging trends will give your brand a tremendous advantage. Again, this demonstrates your expertise and helps build the credibility of your brand. Be ready to jump on those chances – whether that’s giving your PR team your views and thoughts in preparation, or being readily available when opportunities (or the BBC) come knocking.

Media briefings

The traditional media briefing still plays a massive role in brand awareness. Work with your PR team to build those relationships with key media, not just to talk about product updates, but wider strategy and industry trends — again, not being afraid to voice an opinion or have a view that’s different from the herd.

The right relationships

It’s worth saying that you won’t be courting the entire UK media. Instead, there will be a few publications and journalists that are key to your PR plans and business objectives. So it’s vital that you’re talking to them in the right way about the right things. Product updates would never be shared with national publications, but solid case studies and press releases would resonate with the channel press.

The humble case study

Nothing sells your business like happy customers. Don’t forget about the impact that B2B content such as a well-written case study or customer testimonial can have on your desired audience. Case studies with clear results and demonstrable return on investment can be used throughout the marketing funnel, but especially with prospects in the consideration and decision phases.

What’s next?

PR gives you a number of tactics that can be used to elevate your brand, grow awareness of your offering and make you stand above your competition. Working with the right digital PR agency ensures those tactics become powerful tools that can help you reach your target audiences in the right way and ultimately achieve your business objectives, whether that’s boosting awareness, M&A or expanding into new markets.

If you’d like to chat about how we can help your business, please get in touch.

By Natalia Kaczmarek, Digital Content Creator

Online user behaviour is constantly evolving, and so are the search engines. Google – the biggest and the most popular one – rolls out thousands of updates to its almighty algorithm every year to ensure the top results are the most relevant and reliable, and reflect the broader user changes and advancements in technology.

It certainly isn’t the easiest thing in the world to keep track of all the updates, let alone dissect what they mean and adjust your SEO strategy accordingly. The good news is that you don’t need to flip your SEO tactics on their head every time Google drops something new. The fundamentals always stay the same; that includes doing keyword research, not letting keyword stuffing kill your SEO efforts, using image alt text, and remembering to optimise meta descriptions and headlines.

However, just following the basics might not get you as far (or as high) as you want to be this year. Some of your competitors might be more SEO-savvy or use a specialist agency to help them rank higher, so you need to act now.

Nail these five SEO techniques and you’ll be sure to supercharge your site’s performance in 2022:

#1. Think about user intent

Google increasingly focuses on finding out the intention of the user and improving the semantic search. Instead of the individual keyword, Google will now make connections between all the words in a search term. So, when a user types a query into the browser, Google will think carefully about what they hope to find. For example, if they type ‘Tesco’, they’re probably looking for the nearest store, not the head office. One thing that will help you get on Google’s good books with search intent is to type in the keywords you’re targeting and research SERPs that come up. These are exactly the types of results that Google deems the most relevant so use them to your advantage.

#2. Consider page experience

Google now prioritises indexing and ranking of websites that are mobile-friendly. But mobile usability is only one of many elements of the page experience that the biggest search engine is looking for this year. The others are:

  • HTTPS usage (secure site connection)
  • Loading performance (the faster, the better)
  • No intrusive interstitials (get rid of those annoying pop-up ads!

#3. Optimise for ‘People also ask’

You have probably seen the PAA boxes on Google – they are present in almost half of all searches and are continuing to grow on both mobile and desktop. Unlike featured snippets, it is possible for you to appear in the PAA box and hold a standard organic ranking on the first page. That makes them the perfect SEO opportunity. The most common types of queries that trigger PAA boxes are usually questions starting with ‘what’, ‘when’, ‘where’ or ‘who’. So, next time you’re writing a blog, conduct a Google search around the topic you’re writing about, find out what people are also asking, and structure your blog so that it answers these questions.

#4. Demonstrate topical expertise

Your website has to demonstrate expertise in a particular topic, whether that is manufacturing, data analytics or recruitment. High-quality content related to your field of knowledge and experience will, therefore, get you higher on Google. It will signal to the search engine that you clearly understand the subject. Not only that, but it will also help the users and prospects see that you know your stuff, making them more likely to partner with you in the future.

#5. Earn authority backlinks

Earning authority backlinks is probably the hardest thing as it remains one of the top Google’s ranking factors this year. There are many link building strategies, but one that can really help you is to leverage your digital PR and your amazing content creation. The right article or a press release will deliver a number of editorially earned links from publications that your future customers read. So, don’t forget to provide a link to your website somewhere in the copy of your next thought-leadership piece before sending it to the journalist.

Good luck!

The PR industry can be a challenging environment. With new types of media blossoming each year and the ever-growing number of PR professionals vying for journalists’ attention, it’s become harder and harder to make an impact and secure top-tier coverage for your brand.

Sure, sending out press releases en masse to hundreds of journalists may save you the headache of having to tailor your pitch to individual journalists. In the long run however, this approach will not deliver top-quality PR results for your brand. To avoid making similar mistakes please see below as I outline three top tips for worthwhile PR activity.

Build A Strong Media List: Building and maintaining a strong media list is crucial to successful PR activity. The first step in creating a worthwhile media list is to recognise who you’re going to try and reach with a story and identify which publications are going to have the greatest impact. Study a journalist’s recent content and understand if this story is relevant to them. With this information garnered, the media list will be highly targeted for your story. This greatly increases the chance of receptive feedback from journalists: cybersecurity journalists don’t want to hear the latest developments in agriculture! A strong media list is never static either. To keep its relevancy, it must be updated regularly with new journalists or editorial changes in media outlets.

Pitch Effectively to Journalists: Before you draft a pitch it’s vital that you understand what you’re trying to pitch and why it’s worthy of a journalist’s time. If you don’t understand the story yourself it will be challenging to sell the story convincingly to someone else. If in doubt, ask yourself the classic five questions: who, what, where, why and when? Once you understand your story thoroughly it’s then vital to tailor your pitch to be as attention-grabbing as possible. This isn’t about flashy fonts or images but rather making the task of reading your pitch, not a chore. Most journalists receive several pitches per hour throughout the day so it’s important your pitch stands out. Perhaps get creative or use a stat to leverage your story. If in doubt, keep it short and sweet and get to the point quickly.

Distinguish Yourself: The challenge of securing a top-tier placement for your brand is that it’s an extremely competitive environment with potentially hundreds of PR professionals vying for the same opportunity. It’s important that whilst you represent your business and story responsibly, you make an effort to stand out from the crowd. Even if you aren’t successful in securing a placement, catching their eye with something atypical can establish a connection with a journalist which may prove to be valuable in the future.

Adopting the three top tips above is sure to improve your PR skillset and help produce outstanding PR results for your brand.

By Ellie Nash, Digital Account Executive

As we all know, short-form video platform, TikTok is taking the world of social media by storm and completely re-inventing social as we know it.

Platforms such as Facebook are now having to re-think their strategy to keep up with the fast-paced world of video content and have stayed quiet until last week, when they launched Facebook reels.

What are Facebook reels?

Facebook reels, much like Instagram reels, are an opportunity for users to record a short and snappy 60-second video to share to their platform. There is a chance for followers to like, comment and ‘Remix’ videos much like TikTok’s famous ‘Duet’ option.

In the coming weeks, Facebook will begin trialling ‘Stars on Reels’ which allows people to buy and send stars while watching Reels to support creators.

What are the benefits of Facebook reels?

The main idea behind Reels is for creators to get discovered and connect with their audience, all while earning money. Meta wants creators to reconnect with the platform and steer away from TikTok so Facebook becomes an application of entertainment again.

Making money from Facebook reels

Facebook has launched a ‘Reels Play’ bonus programme that grants creators the opportunity to earn up to $35,000 a month based on the views of their reels. This is currently only available in America but after the success of creator, ‘Jason The Great’, Facebook will soon begin trials to develop this worldwide.

Unlike TikTok, there are two advert formats available for creators on the platform.

  1. Banner ads: Banner ads sit at the bottom of a Facebook reel and as a semi-transparent overlay.
  2. Sticker ads: Sticker ads are static and can be placed anywhere on top of the reel.

How to set up a Facebook reel

  1. Open your Facebook app and look in the top left corner, underneath the Facebook logo.
  2. Click on reel.
  3. Add your video by either selecting pre-recorded videos or hold down the record button.
  4. You will see you can add audio, select the length, speed, add effects, set a timer or add a green screen on the right-hand side of the screen.
  5. Tap next once you’ve finished editing.
  6. Write a description for your reel and select who you’d like to view the reel. This can be anyone on or off Facebook or just your friends.
  7. Tap share to publish your reel to your Facebook stream.

In the opinion of the Digital team, we’re not sure whether Facebook reels will catch on. TikTok is already the number one platform for short-form video viewing and is used by billions … Maybe Facebook were too late to jump on the band wagon?