If this year has shown us anything, it’s that the digital landscape is well equipped to handle adversity. In fact, studies have shown that the pandemic has actually boosted the digital economy.

From an individual perspective, we’ve used social media more this year than ever before, whether that was WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, TikTok or LinkedIn. And not just for the usual stuff like keeping in touch with friends or watching dog videos (guilty). But for consuming news.

When it comes to business, the same is true. Which means organisations are or should be optimising the way they use social channels to get the maximum benefit, and connect and engage with their target audiences. It doesn’t need to be complicated or require a complete change in strategy. Instead, it’s about making social media work harder for your business.

Here’s how:

#1 Stop thinking B2B
Gone are the days of separating B2B and B2C social media. B2B used to look to B2C for creativity and electrifying ideas. Now, B2B social media has firmly taken the creative reins and is delivering inspired, original and successful campaigns, without drawing on help from its consumer cousin. Which is how it should be because businesses understand that creativity is vital to creating thumb-stopping content that stands out from competitors.

#2 Think mobile first
Both long and short form post copy have a place on social media. It’s all about presenting it to your audience in the right way. Like capturing your audience’s attention right up front to entice them to read the full post and respond to the call to action.

TIP: Did you know when viewing post activity on LinkedIn only the first 140 characters are available? LinkedIn will cut off your post with “See More” after this character count. Square and portrait social tiles also ensure domination when viewing the news feed via mobile.

#3 Tap into new features
LinkedIn has dropped a number of new features this year. From LinkedIn Polls, Stories, Pages Posts, Events and Notify Employees. Mix up how you share your content on social media to get more visibility and drive results – all tailored to the audience you’re targeting.

#4 Data doesn’t lie
Social media provides tons of metrics. When planning your social strategy, learn from what works, and what doesn’t, and make the changes. Beyond the numbers, tap into the quality of your data to understand follower demographics.

Moving ahead
Of course, social success should form part of your wider strategy which includes having the right content, talking to your audiences at the right time, and, of course, giving them something of value. That said, these four points are a great way to start the process of making your social media platforms work harder for your business.

If you’d like to find out more about this or how we can help, get in touch with the Whiteoaks Social Media team.

By Harriet Bolt, Social Media Manager

By Bekki Bushnell, Associate Director

Some see PR as an art. Some see PR as a science. The truth is that it falls squarely in the middle. There are formulas and processes, and a good deal of creative thinking that goes into making PR successful. As a brand, this success has to be translated into something tangible; because it’s not enough to simply get coverage. You have to justify your investment in PR to your board and you need to prove that it is reaching its goals, be it increased awareness, lead generation, growth, readying for funding or expanding into a new market.

As an agency, we hear often enough in a new business environment that ROI is kind of murky and difficult to see. We challenge that view because we believe ROI in PR isn’t a myth or pipe dream. It’s achievable.

Here’s how:

Focus on activity, not time

The retainer model. You pay for time. It’s the way it’s always been. But that doesn’t make it right. Instead, you should focus on deliverables, tangible outcomes. That way you can see a direct link between what you’re getting from your PR agency and what you’re paying for. Which leads to the next point…

Know what you’re getting

Depending on how your PR campaign is structured, it’s important to know what you’re actually getting for your money. Yes, there will be objectives and outcomes, but specifically, you need to understand what you’re getting from your agency in terms of consultancy, management and deliverables, such as placements, articles, releases, etc.

Build your tactics on a sound strategy

This sounds like a given – having a powerful strategy behind your campaign to shape and guide your tactics. But often, we lose sight of objectives or they aren’t clearly defined in the first place. Having a strong strategy from the outset ensures you stay on track, can adjust as you need to and have a better chance of meeting those goals.

Agree what success looks like

This ties into measurement. Yes, your campaign needs to be measurable and you need specific KPIs in order to measure success. But more than that, you need to be aligned with your PR agency as to what those metrics are and what success for your business and campaign actually means – whether that’s introducing your CEO to the national media or helping the sales team generate new leads.

Be structured but flexible

Your PR campaign should have definite structure to it — that’s expected. But it should also include enough flexibility to adapt to changes within the business or the industry. A lot can happen in six months so having the ability to swap out activity and tweak your campaign is vital.

Find out how we can help with PR, Content, Creative and Social Media and how we can help https://whiteoaks.co.uk/about/

Improve your PR ROI by getting in touch

Media relations forms the core of any successful PR programme. The collective media, with all its variations, plays a highly influential role in shifting perceptions, building (and breaking down) reputations and, ultimately, helping funnel prospective customers into the sales pipeline. Done well, with well-crafted messages that resonate and engage with stakeholders, it can deliver tangible commercial results.

While there are many steps in the process, at its heart is the media interview – a direct conversation between the journalist and the spokesperson that has the power to shape and deliver coverage with real impact. As a spokesperson, in that moment your job is to tell a compelling story. The journalist’s job is also to tell a compelling story. The key to any successful media interview is to ensure you’re both telling the same story – and one that informs a common audience.

Here are five tried and tested principles to help you succeed in your next media interview:

Make it easy, make it compelling

A common challenge is wanting to say too much. Any story has a back story and so, understandably, it’s tempting to cover all bases but that can risk losing the central message among the detail. The result could be a piece of coverage very different to the one intended and so an effective starting point is to distil that story into a single attention-grabbing headline with three concise supporting messages. This not only provides a structure to keep the conversation on track but also helps the journalist get straight to the point of the angle you’re contributing.

Apply a customer’s mindset

A journalist will have their readership in mind at all times. If the interview is on a developing industry issue, they’ll want to know how this affects their readers, what action they can take and what expertise you can offer to move that conversation forwards.

There is a time and place to talk product – and your PR team will set up those interviews where the aim is to discuss a specific launch or provide background on company developments. Most often, the journalist is looking for views on an external issue or challenge so, tempting as it might be to lead with product, it’s a valuable opportunity to demonstrate expertise and unique understanding of your market and your customers.

In these cases, it pays to be opinionated and have an informed view that differs from the norm and that always adds a new dimension. Journalists will be talking to multiple contributors so standing out for all the right reasons can be instrumental in landing that lead quote.

Tell the story their way

There are many types of journalists with differing approaches and mindsets – the new journalist looking to expand their sector knowledge, the rushed journalist on deadline seeking a quotable quote, the regional journalist championing local business… Each one influential in their field and hungry for content. What they have in common is they are all looking for a good story, a new and different angle and, even better, an exclusive. Your PR team is there to brief you are what a specific journalist is after and ensure you’re equipped with the right messages to tell the story their way.

Preparation, preparation, preparation

Articulating the right story requires preparation and your PR team is on hand to arm you with the tools to ensure success. This includes a full understanding of the interview subject and context, a briefing on the media outlet and journalist and a run through of key messages and potential questions. Through rehearsing different lines of conversation, you’ll have the confidence to handle those difficult questions and understand how to turn them to your advantage.

Keep the conversation going

Journalists value reliable sources of expertise and comment that they can call upon for future stories – particularly if they’re on deadline and need a quick response from a trusted spokesperson. As such, each interview is an opportunity to position yourself as an authority and open up longer-term conversations. Through building rapport and providing journalists with timely insight, you’ll build relationships where you can truly shape opinion and position you and your business at the heart of the debate.

By Ella Thompson, Account Director

20 years in B2B PR. I’m not sure I expected to be writing that when I graduated with a degree in International Marketing back in 2001. Although as you’ve probably guessed, my career in this industry began some time before the gown and mortar board.

During school and college years, I eagerly helped out a local PR agency with anything I could – getting my first step on the ladder to help carve out future employment opportunities. I had an industrial placement during my degree and worked within PR during academic holidays…oh and my dissertation examined international PR, so I guess the writing was on the wall!

From starting as a junior account executive to two decades later as the MD of an award-winning B2B tech agency, it’s fair to say that I’ve learnt a lot not just as a communications professional, but as a manager, about running a business and about the industry as a whole.

Here are five things I’ve learnt over the last 20 years…

#1 You don’t have to be a ‘techie’

Yes, it’s B2B tech PR, but you don’t need to be a techie. Having a certain amount of technical knowledge does help, as does an interest in technology, but it’s not a term I would use describe myself.

Throughout the years, I’ve seen and contributed to rather a lot of tech trends which are now a part of our everyday life such as HD television and the cloud. While the technology driving both is complex and sophisticated – the trick for working in the industry is to have an understanding of the nuts and bolts, and features and benefits. That way you can translate those technical concepts for the layman, be it the media, customers or investors.

#2 You need to be customer centric

Service delivery isn’t for everyone. And that’s okay. I’ve seen many people come and go within the world of B2B tech PR and those who ‘go’ are often the ones who simply don’t get a buzz out of service delivery. It’s not a fault or a criticism, they simply prefer to be on the other side of the table.

As a business, everything we do starts with the question…what do our customers want and need? It’s only with that knowledge that we can adapt and change to remain relevant.

#3 Relevance always matters

Talking of relevance, it’s a key element for both businesses and individuals. If I think back to my first days in PR, I used to snatch the press clippings from the fax machine (yes, an actual fax machine), cut them out, mount them and post them off to clients, boasting about the column inches said article achieved.

Rather a lot has changed since then. Buzz words have been and gone and the depth of PR campaigns continues to evolve. It takes desire, time, commitment and determination to remain relevant. As a service provider, our clients look to us to be ahead of the curve in terms of emerging trends and to achieve success. As a communications professional, you need to grab any opportunities you can to learn new skills or ways of working which can help you grow and ideally present commercial opportunities for the business.

#4 Don’t be afraid to specialise

Although success may come more easily if you have a rounded knowledge of PR and integrated communications, you will most likely find an element of the delivery which you particularly enjoy — especially today.

The term ‘PR’ now encompasses so much that it’s harder to be a jack of all PR trades and more likely that you’ll end up being a master of none. Much like it’s a good idea to have a broad understanding of technology, having an overall view of marketing communications and strategy will be necessary for success while you might find a natural desire or skill within one of the specialist delivery skills such as content creation or social media.

Becoming a specialist doesn’t close the door to development and rather opens the door to success and progression.

#5 Relinquish control

Unashamedly, I’m a control freak. Like everything, it has its benefits but also its challenges. I have a process for most things; a certain way I like to do things and I like for things to be done. And for a while, that was it.

But a few years back, I realised my way wasn’t the only way. Only with this recognition can you really allow those around you to flourish, which in turn will support their individual and your collaborative success.

Again, looking at our business, I like to think I can recognise our team members’ strengths and encourage them to play to them. We employ specialists with potential, but that potential will not be reached unless they are allowed to spread their wings and have responsibility. There will be bumps in the road but calculated risks and allowing those around you to support your growth will deliver ultimate success.

And finally…

Looking back at my late teens and early twenties, I know that my eagerness to get a foot in the industry was worth it as were all the hours I put into clipping coverage, fetching coffee and helping with events. As a result, I can’t tout the value of hands-on experience enough.

Yes, a good CV and the relevant qualifications are equally important but having that first-hand knowledge of how an agency operates, the culture, and their expectations, gives you that boost and gives you a definite advantage.

By Suzanne Griffiths, Managing Director

When deciding to embark on a Public Relations campaign, and ultimately selecting a PR agency to go on that journey with you, there are many factors that you need to consider. For many fast-growth businesses PR is a significant, strategic investment, and therefore choosing the right agency isn’t a decision that can, or should be, rushed. Things like experience, accessibility, cost, creativity and even personality fit should all factor into the decision-making process to ensure a successful and happy working relationship.

Thinking specifically about the financial aspects of onboarding an agency, assuming strategic recommendations are well received, prospective PR clients all want to know one thing: how much is this going to cost? Once a proposal is in place and both parties have an idea of what the campaign will look like agencies can give a monthly, or total, fee.

But looking beyond that, monthly fee businesses should be asking an even more important question: what exactly will I get for that and what will that mean for my business?

The simple truth is most agencies that work on a retainer-based model, where you’re billed for time spent by the agency, will struggle to give you an accurate or exact answer to that question, particularly the first part. When you’re buying time there is no way to guarantee what you will actually get for your money once those hours are used up.

In relation to the latter part of that question, it’s also important to consider what success looks like to you. For some, lead generation is a must. For others, it’s more important to raise brand awareness in new industries or attract attention from potential partners or investors. Traditionally, PR agencies have only been able to give estimates in terms of results, and certainly no guarantees, and that makes complete sense. When translating fee to hours to deliverables and ultimately results, it’s hard to be exact.

We believe there is a better way. At Whiteoaks, we are passionate about delivering ROI for our clients, making sure we can demonstrate the value of every penny spent on PR. Our unique model of engagement is deliberately different, offering clients set fees for set deliverables, ensuring absolute clarity from the outset. With this model we are completely transparent about how our clients’ investment will look not just in terms of the deliverables, but also by enabling us to guarantee tangible results that are aligned to our clients’ business objectives.

The icing on the cake? We offer all of our clients formal service level agreements, so if we don’t deliver then you get your money back on a pro-rata basis. How’s that for ROI?

By Bekki Bushnell, Head of Business Development

The press release has long been a staple of PR, first coming into use in 1906, when Ivy Lee, the PR representative of the Pennsylvania Railroad developed it to disseminate information following a train derailment. Knowing how damaging the accident could be for the company, Lee wanted to get the truth out quickly before the rumour mill could begin.

Back in 1906, when newspapers were the main source of information, the merits of the press release as a method for businesses and brands to spread information was clear. But, in this day and age where we receive our news instantly, can watch global events unfold in real-time and find out all there is to know about a subject in a matter of minutes, is there still a place for the press release?

Cutting through the fake news

We’re currently living through the era of fake news, with almost half (45%) of adults in the UK believing they encounter fake news every single day. It’s a time when a rumour can be taken as gospel due to it trending on Twitter or a celebrity discussing it on their Instagram story.

I would argue that this makes an even stronger case for the use of press releases, particularly when it comes to crisis comms, as they offer a means through which businesses can communicate important information and cut through the online noise. While social media platforms, for example, can be a force for good, in times of crisis, they can also be a hive of misinformation.

Issuing a press release during a crisis can help businesses get their story out there clearly and succinctly. It allows them to take control of the narrative, separate fact from fiction, and target key media with their messaging.

Yet, while I believe there is certainly still a place for the press release in PR, it would be foolish to think it hasn’t evolved. I think it’s time to reconsider whether it is the best vehicle for disseminating information by looking at what you’re trying to achieve.

When to issue a press release

According to research, 63% of global respondents said press releases were the preferred method to receive news and 44% of journalists think press releases are the most trustworthy source of brand-related information. That said, with journalists receiving up to 200 pitches a day, for them to cover a press release the story needs to be compelling.

Consequently, before sending out a release, it’s vital to consider whether the information is actually news, or whether it’s more about increasing awareness of a brand, as the outcome is likely going to differ depending on the focus of the piece.

For instance, distributing a press release about the opening of a new office or a low-level appointment might help grow awareness of a business among the journalists that receive it, rather than gaining coverage. Conversely, a news release announcing the findings of a research study or issuing a statement after a crisis may garner significant pickup.

Ultimately, there is no harm in sending out a carefully crafted press release, as long as the expectations of what it is likely to achieve are realistic. And, rather than seeing press releases as standalone pieces, incorporating them to larger integrated marketing campaigns can be incredibly effective.

Let’s take the research press release as an example, this asset can be used to launch an entire marketing campaign. By sending this type of press release out, you’re alerting journalists not only to the information in the release, but also giving them a glimpse of the bigger picture and what else you have to offer. In an ideal world, this could lead to the journalist following up for subsequent related content pieces or perhaps even an interview with the subject matter expert quoted in the release.

Integrated marketing campaigns as the way forward

With a wide range of resources and content types at our disposal, it’s possible to tailor the content you create not only to the messages you wanting to convey, but also to the audiences you want to target and how you want to reach them. By adopting this approach, PR and marketing campaigns will become multi-faceted and have a broader appeal.

So, while press releases are just one of the tools in our arsenal, as the world of PR is so fast-paced, they can be the ideal way to share information quickly and efficiently. It’s just about considering what you want to achieve and whether that format will get you there.

Long live the press release!

By Hannah Buckley, Head of Content

By Mark Wilson, Creative Director

There are many elements that contribute to an organisation’s success, especially when it comes to sustained growth. This was the focus of our research — Secrets of Tech Growth — where we spoke to the leaders of fast-growth tech companies to get their insights. We discovered that it’s not only having the right business model or using a tech PR agency at the right time in your growth journey that helps an organisation stand out, but, unsurprisingly, creativity plays a crucial role.

Many of the CMOs and CEOs that we spoke to agreed that you should use PR and integrated marketing as soon as you can in your growth journey. The same can be said for establishing a strong brand with a clear purpose.

For many firms, there’s a focus on the product or service in the early days, making sure it is appealing to the market, is saleable and that it actually works. The result is that the concept of “the brand” is often put on the backburner. Once the business starts to grow, it becomes difficult to backpedal and pay the due attention to the brand elements because you’re swept along in that momentum. It also becomes more expensive and complex to change your identity and assets when they don’t match your objectives or growth trajectory anymore.

Use your brand image as your foundation

The truth is you need a strong brand to build a strong foundation for your future PR and marketing efforts, and to help your technology business stand out in a crowded marketplace. Establishing your brand identity early on ensures that the market knows who you are, but also helps solidify your offering for staff as well, which ultimately impacts your sales efforts and how your target audience perceives you. It’s also key in fostering customer loyalty. Customers seek to buy from companies (whether that’s in the B2B or B2C space) that they trust. Building that trust from day one is certainly helped along by having that base of a good brand image to work from.

Don’t break the bank

Of course, this might be easier for some businesses than others, especially as far as budget is concerned. Should you go for a cheaper option? Use a freelancer or get a logo designed on a platform like Fiverr? As a Creative Director my answer is always no. You need to think about one thing and that’s longevity. And while paying a fiver for a logo may help you in the short term, you’re not necessarily doing your brand any favours in the long term.

Even with tight budgets there are elements of your brand you can get right; think about using strong graphics, gifs instead of expensive animation, video when you can do it cost-effectively, and having a website that conveys your message and brand identity in a few pages. It’s by far better having a few well thought out assets which convey exactly what you’re trying to say rather than a whole load of quickly put together assets which say different things – and which collectively damage your brand image. Working with a professional, be it an agency or experienced designer can make all the difference.

Moving forward

Most importantly, your brand image and your brand purpose need to be clear and consistent. Don’t bow to peer pressure; if you’re a start-up, for example, you don’t need to be edgy. You need a brand identity that is fit for your purpose. As long as your brand image is clear and complete, you have that foundation to build on. As you grow as a business your sales, public relations and marketing efforts, including design, content and creativity, will be more effective if they are built on a solid brand identity.

There have always been very defined lines between PR and marketing — each camp clear on their role within the business, their relationship with the media and stakeholders and which activities they were responsible for. Then the new kid on the block arrived and obliterated those lines. The new kid on the block? I’m talking about social media. Although not the sole driver for a more integrated approach to communications, over the last decade all three disciplines have evolved in concert with one another, providing a new world of opportunity for brands to distinguish themselves in a crowded marketplace.

Integrated marketing is certainly nothing new, but increasingly it is becoming more important for businesses to get right.

This sentiment was reflected in the findings of our recent research — The Secrets of Tech Growth — where we spoke to leaders from fast-growth tech firms about how they achieved that growth, what challenges they overcame (and continue to overcome) and what role tech PR and integrated marketing played in all of that.

Joined up for success

Unsurprisingly, both disciplines had crucial roles to play, at different times in a company’s journey to success, separately, and as part of integrated campaigns. With social media being a key ingredient too — something my colleague Emma Walker talks about in her article: Social media: not just the garnish in the sustainable business growth cocktail.

So apart from the fact that social media has changed the comms landscape, why is integrated marketing taking such a focus today, especially when it comes to building B2B businesses and sustaining growth?

There are three factors that make integrated marketing so attractive: budget, objectives and audiences.

Make the most out of your budget

Integrated campaigns help you get the most out of your budgets and maximise your return on investment. For growing companies this is especially important because not all of them have significant funding behind them. Overall, you can re-use and re-purpose your content and design assets across streams, and use PR or earned elements to set the stage for wider marketing efforts when it comes to aspects like nurturing leads. Optimising content across disciplines and channels makes this approach a much more cost-effective model.

Hit multiple targets

An integrated approach to campaigning also means that you can reach more than one goal. Why is this important? Because all businesses are different and have varied goals that communication assets will help them achieve. Just like the lines are blurred between disciplines, these goals often overlap and aren’t necessarily always effective when viewed in isolation. So whether you’re creating awareness, building trust, lead generation, general education or making your business look attractive for investors, combining PR, marketing and social elements enables you to hit those objectives through the use of targeted, audience-centric content and relevant, consistent messaging. From one central theme or idea, you can generate different content assets that can be leveraged across channels and fulfil your different objectives.

Reach all your audiences

This ties in to the third element, which is audiences. Just as your campaigns can have multiple objectives, your business is likely to want to reach multiple audiences. In addition, not all of your target audiences will engage with your brand and its content in the same way on the same platform.

Integrated campaigns ensure that you can reach not only your different audiences, but the right personas within them by providing comms through a channel (or combination of channels) that most appeals to them, be it thought leadership through media, infographics and videos delivered by social media, or whitepapers and blogs via email or content marketing efforts.

Where to start

Taking an integrated approach to your next campaign needn’t be challenging. Before you start make sure you’re clear on your objectives for the campaign. Then make sure these objectives are aligned to the wider goals of the business. This not only helps you create the right tone and messaging for maximum impact, but can also help secure budget and buy-in from senior management or the board when you’re looking to expand or start new projects. In addition, make sure you understand your audience so that you can develop personas to guide your content development and choose the right channels that will get the right message to the right audience. Finally, evaluate and measure your communications campaign throughout the lifecycle of the activity, not just at the end. This will help you make changes as you go in order to reach your objectives and will also help in demonstrating the efficacy of the campaign and ROI.

To find out more on our approach to integrated marketing and how we use our 360 Framework to shape the strategic, tactical and delivery elements of every campaign, get in touch with us.

10 seconds is all it takes. In that time, your prospect can reach into their pocket, pull out their smartphone, unlock it with face recognition, and then head to their favourite social media app to see what’s new and what’s happening. And wouldn’t it be great if your company’s latest social media post was at the top of their social media newsfeed?

Social media has come a long way over the last decade, with the mass adoption of smartphones and tablets driving force this growth. Having instant access to social media while on the move has made it an integral marketing channel. Now, social media is no longer something you should consider for supporting your business goals, but a necessity.

Following the launch of our Secrets of Tech Growth eBook, which reveals insights into the journeys and experiences of fast-growth tech businesses, it was pleasing to hear that some of the CEOs and CMOs interviewed called out social media as a vital tool for business success. In addition to their insights, three common goals emerged: make a splash in the market by generating brand awareness; sell, sell, sell; and, attract and retain top talent to secure further business growth. Social media plays a role a huge role in supporting and driving all three of these business goals. But how?

Generating brand awareness on Social Media

Although the average person has almost eight social media accounts¹, it doesn’t mean that a company should launch a social media strategy on every social media platform. Think about it logically and think about your target audience. What social media platform do they use, prefer, and spend the most time on? Putting a solid content strategy in place to capture and secure their attention will also put your company on their radar. If you’re looking to catapult your brand’s social media visibility, think beyond your corporate social media channels and identify key spokespeople to grow their online identity, consider introducing an influencer programme to bring further credibility to the brand and understand how paid social media tactics can ensure that your content is seen by the right target audiences. Awareness is, of course, a numbers game, but don’t lose sight of quality.

Driving new leads

There are simple organic social media tactics that you can implement to help secure leads, such as populating your social media bio correctly and providing a clear call-to-action so prospects can easily take the next step. But social media has also evolved into a sophisticated lead generation tool. On Facebook and LinkedIn, you can create paid social media adverts that offer content in exchange for their data. Seamlessly taking place in the social media newsfeed, when the data is exchanged, it also integrates with your lead generation platform. And when you couple this smooth data exchange with the ability to hyper target your desired audience or re-target website visitors, it’s a really powerful way to generate high quality leads and sales. In addition to using corporate social accounts, you can also train and mentor your sales team to understand and embrace social media selling – the art of an individual using their own social media channels as a way to enhance and grow their sales pipeline.

Acquiring top talent

Positioning your company as a desirable and credible employer is no longer just the role of your HR team. Social hiring can be achieved through showcasing a company’s culture, vision and values to potential recruits. This can then be taken one step further with an employee advocacy programme where the people from your company share and create authentic content about the business in a standardised way. Employees are arguably a company’s greatest asset, so by becoming a company ambassador, they can increase social media visibility, brand recognition and website traffic.

Social media can play a huge role in supporting ambitious fast-growth tech companies achieve their goals and objectives. And while the above gives you a flavour of what tactics can be used for specific goals, it’s important to note that solid measurements and metrics should always be used to showcase social media ROI.

10 seconds is all it takes to publish a social media post, and 10 seconds is all it takes for a prospect to find, engage and take action.

By Ross Walker, Head of Social & Digital Media

¹ https://www.brandwatch.com/blog/amazing-social-media-statistics-and-facts/

By Emily Fishburn, Account Manager

When it comes to rolling out global PR campaigns, you will be faced with a multitude of choices and challenges to navigate. For example, how to achieve consistent results across all regions, while also making sure work is shared among teams to avoid double effort and fee for the same results.

Local knowledge is always at the heart of achieving results. That’s why we always recommend rolling out global campaigns through a network of local agencies who can work cohesively as one account team.

As a lead agency with experience in executing global PR campaigns, we embrace the task of not only being the primary point of contact for our client, but also having the responsibility to ensure we get the most out of the other agencies we partner with regardless of what country they operate in.

We spoke to our partner agencies that we regularly work with to find out their views.

The secret of success

Two key factors to consider are to thoroughly listen to partners and build a strong open relationship, as highlighted by Robert Brownlie, Associate Account Executive at Los Angeles-based PR firm Bob Gold & Associates.

“When working with a lead agency on a global PR rollout, collaboration and fluid communication are key, building trust and operating as if we are a part of the same agency. In this regard, we want to mutually understand the goals behind success metrics and to be able to study and share what has worked and what hasn’t. This helps us go beyond simply checking in boxes to meet deliverables and enables us to work as a successful team that builds and promotes a powerful client narrative.

“What we don’t want is to operate in a siloed vacuum or to go long periods without touching base. Even if two agencies are operating on separate sides of the globe, it’s important to communicate often and use each other’s resources,” added Brownlie.

This open method of communication gives each agency a platform they can comfortably express which specific tactics will engage the end audience in their region.

Listen to the locals

When operating as a lead agency, understanding the core differences in region and listening to each agency’s requirements can be the difference between success and failure.

Alain Blaes, General Manager at Munich-based communications consultancy PR-COM said: “In our experience, openness to understanding a regional agency’s needs is paramount to a successful campaign, as media landscapes vary drastically between regions. From big picture topics such as media strategy, to individual by-line topics, what works in one region may not work in another, and no one knows these ins and outs like a local agency.

“The German media values a local touch. A common misconception is that out-of-town executives will be shoo-ins for interviews with the business press when they visit Germany, but that isn’t the case. German journalists want to hear experts comment on their strategy, and back their statements up with experience in the local market. They aren’t interested in the marketing-speech common in the US, for example.”

It’s also worth adding, that these regional nuances might not be what your client wants to hear, but it’s your responsibility to not just share this with the client, but actively work with the regional agency to establish what will work – and what techniques will be effective.

Don’t break the budget

When planning a PR campaign that will ‘take the globe by storm’, realistic budget planning is crucial, as highlighted by Lauren Brush, Associate Account Director at Dubai-based Active Digital Marketing Communications Agency.

“The most difficult thing for US or European companies to understand is how expansive the Middle East is. Organisations often believe that a similar budget that equates to one European country will suffice for the whole MENA region, which isn’t the case. The Middle East consists of very different countries and they all approach journalism and target audiences in different ways. For example, in Saudi Arabia there needs to be a focus on digital as the media landscape isn’t as vast, while the UAE has a wide media landscape that includes both English speaking and Arabic journalists, which often requires additional translation costs.

“When multiple agencies work together, collaboration is key and sometimes agencies can tend to try and compete with each other in front of the client. This is often counterproductive, so establishing respect and two-way communication from the outset is crucial. That’s why working with Whiteoaks is easy, because it’s clear that we work as a partnership which helps achieves stronger results for the client.”

Our approach

At Whiteoaks International, we believe that local insight is priceless and pride ourselves on being able to lead the deployment of global PR campaigns for clients by working with local PR agencies across the globe through the WIN PR Group, an instant international PR network that covers over 70 countries. Our approach allows clients to tap into a wealth of local knowledge while benefitting from consistent strategic planning and account management delivered by the Whiteoaks team. We develop the best option that will meet your needs for global PR, whether that’s working with agencies from our WIN PR Group, selecting your own local agencies and working within our IPM structure, a combination of these two approaches, or leveraging active relationships with your local network of PR agencies and adopting the Whiteoaks IPM approach.